Our pledge for a Greener today, and future. We assess and compute the carbon footprint generated by our operational activities and each delivery conducted by Genus, subsequently mitigating an identical amount of carbon dioxide emissions from the environment.

How we're doing it

Carbon reduction  

Renewable Energy

Genus is committed to advancing renewable energy solutions in collaboration with Carbon Neutral Britain.

By focusing on projects with significant positive impacts globally, we support initiatives that not only adhere to the highest certification standards like the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Gold Standard Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER) but also contribute to sustainable development in the developing world.

This includes promoting education, job creation, access to clean water, renewable energy sources, and conservation efforts benefiting local wildlife and ecosystems.


Forests serve as vital carbon sinks, storing carbon in their biomass and soil, preventing emissions from deforestation, and continuously capturing carbon dioxide.

With an alarming rate of more than 15 billion trees being cut down annually, Genus, through its partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain, emphasises forest conservation as a key strategy.

Protecting forests not only secures stored carbon but also supports biodiversity, prevents erosion, and fosters ecosystem services like pollination and ecotourism.

Biomass Power

Genus embraces biomass power as a transitional energy solution towards a 100% clean, renewable energy future. Utilising biomass feedstocks, such as rice husks, replaces fossil fuels for generating heat and electricity, offering a sustainable cycle of carbon.

In partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain, we focus on sustainable biomass energy projects that utilise waste from mills, agricultural by-products, or sustainably grown crops, ensuring our biomass energy solutions contribute positively to the environment without depleting resources.

We've Offset 7.28 Tonnes CO₂e Emissions

Logistics without the Environmental Cost

Genus is deeply committed to minimising our environmental impact by adopting greener practices across all our operations, reducing our Carbon Footprint, and the need to offset.

In our pursuit of sustainability, we're transitioning our facilities to incorporate eco-friendly technologies and processes, aiming to significantly reduce our carbon footprint. Furthermore, we understand the importance of assisting our clients who prioritise sustainability.

Through strategic planning with Genus, we offer expertise in devising more efficient logistical routes, optimising delivery schedules, and employing sustainable practices that not only lessen environmental impact but also contribute to our collective goal of carbon offsetting. Together, we're forging a path towards a more sustainable future, making every effort to balance our carbon footprint with meaningful, impactful actions.